Winter Spring 2021 Newsletter
We are delighted to share with you our quarterly Winter Spring 2021 Newsletter. Here our supporters will get news on recent OGS developments as we move forward in helping to bring accessible and sustainable eye care to those in need. We hope to put the significant challenges of 2020 behind us and are grateful to those who were able to continue their support of OGS despite the circumstances. Thank you for your support!
Optométrie porteuse de vision accorde 50 000 $ de fonds d’aide pour la COVID à 12 organismes de bienfaisance nord-américains
Optométrie porteuse de vision accorde 50 000 $ de fonds d’aide pour la COVID à neuf organisations sans but lucratif aux États-Unis et trois au Canada. Dans le but d’appuyer les organisations nord-américaines et d’accroître sa présence nationale, Optométrie porteuse de...

$50,000 in COVID Relief Funds Awarded to 12 North American Charities
In an effort to support North American organizations and to further enhance our national presence, Optometry Giving Sight (OGS) awarded 12 organizations with grants up to $5,000.
Votre appui aide des enfants comme Claudia du Mexique
Le soutien qu’offre Optométrie porteuse de vision au programme Ver Bien au Mexique a aidé de nombreux enfants d’âge scolaire à recevoir les soins de la vue dont ils ont grandement besoin. Environ 12 % des enfants qui fréquentent les écoles publiques du Mexique...

Your Support of the World Sight Day Challenge Helps Children like Claudia from Mexico
Optometry Giving Sight’s support of Ver Bien in Mexico has helped many school children receive the eye care they desperately need. Approximately 12% of public school children in Mexico suffer from a refractive error which can be corrected with glasses. Many of these...
Fonds d’aide pour la COVID-19 et l’égalité en santé oculaire
Les événements extraordinaires qui se sont produits au cours des derniers mois, notamment la pandémie de COVID-19 et les incidents d’injustice raciale ainsi que les manifestations qui ont suivi, nous ont tous affectés partout dans le monde. La mission d’Optométrie...

COVID-19 Relief & Equality in Eye Health Fund
In response to COVID-19 and in solidarity with the recent protests against racism, Optometry Giving Sight is making available a COVID-19 Relief Fund for fellow eye care nonprofits/charities that provide services within the United States and Canada.

Uganda: Patrick Teira
It was not until one of our career guidance sessions in my final year of secondary school when one of my teachers talked about the newly introduced optometry course at Makerere University. It was then that I formerly got introduced to the optometry profession.

Why Optometry for Uganda?
The Brien Holden Foundation has led the development of the optometry program at Makerere University in Uganda. The creation of skilled optometrists will in time increase the efficiency of eye care services in Uganda and improve the health system’s cost-effectiveness.

Carl Zeiss Vision and WestGroupe ValuePak Donations Exceed $110,000
Beginning in 2016, WestGroupe and Carl Zeiss Vision Canada pledged to make a donation to Optometry Giving Sight for each of their new ValuePak Frame and Lens packages sold. ValuePak packages include Superflex® Frames with synchrony® Lenses from Carl Zeiss Vision which...