Giving Sight to Children in Mexico
Ver Bien para Aprender Mejor has been working in Mexican public schools for more than 21 years, doing screening for refractive errors and delivering eyeglasses to those children who need them. Optometry Giving Sight has been supporting their work for several years and...

U.S. Children Need Eye Exams – Kids See: Success Partnership
Optometry Giving Sight is very pleased to again be supporting the Vision Impact Institute’s Kids See: Successs program for 2020. This initiative was first launched and supported by Optometry Giving Sight in 2016 to fight for mandatory comprehensive eye exams for...

I feel like my life can being now
Emmanuel is a 12 year old boy who didn’t attend school. He wished every day he could go with the other children in the village but he had been nearly blind since birth. He spent his days in his village which he knew well enough to get around. His local community tried to look out for him to help him stay safe.

Albino Children in Africa
Albinism is a congenital disorder that is characterised by the partial or complete absence of pigment in the skin, eyes and hair. The disorder has a very high prevalence in Tanzania with 1 in every 1,200 people suffering from it.

Cambodia School Eye Health
Aged 16, Seakthy wanted to excel at school but she couldn’t see things clearly. Without professional eye care she also wrongly believed that her condition was a normal vision development.

Eye Care in Sri Lanka
Optometry Giving Sight has provided substantial financial support over the past 7 years to help enhance access to eye care for people in Sri Lanka. 3 Vision Centres have been established and 7 Sri Lankans have obtained their degrees or diplomas in Optometry.

Eye Care for Abrehet in Eritrea
After visiting the optometry department at the Asmara School of Health Sciences, Abrehet was examined by a student in the department and diagnosed with refractive error. She was given a pair of glasses from the optical workshop lab that had already been processed by the students as part of their cut and fit training.

Eyeteach© training in Latin America
The EyeTeach© workshops continue to prove a success since launching in Latin America in 2013. The workshops, implemented by Brien Holden Vision Institute and sponsored by Optometry Giving Sight, focus on the development of local optometry in the region and strengthening the professional development of existing eye health practitioners and educators.

Bringing Accessible Eye Care to Tanzania
Benefiting the community Thousands of Tanzanians will have access to free eye care services through the Brien Holden Vision Institute, thanks to support from optometrist Dr Moes Nasser and Optometry Giving Sight. The Lake Zone Roshanali Nasser Outreach Project aims to...

After 5 years of effort – Haiti story
After 5 years of effort by the global optometric community – Haiti’s first School of Optometry opens Vision Source Optometrists and Optometry Giving Sight Support the Training of Haiti’s First Optometrists Haiti has the highest level of blindness and vision...