Technician Training Course in Malawi
Empowering local ECPs to maintain their own equipment One of the biggest challenges for many eye health programs in the developing world is equipment maintenance. Many clinics, hospitals and vision centers are unable to operate at their full potential because their...

Teacher Training Program at Alandur
Eye health training in India With support from Optometry Giving Sight, India Vision Institute (IVI) conducted a series of teachers’ training programs in India. They were held from from 4-11 October, for 61 teachers in 36 government and government-aided schools...

2017 Highlights
Your support at work Optometry Giving Sight in 2017 produced many wonderful stories from people whose lives were impacted through your donations. We would like to thank all our sponsors and donors for your ongoing support. One area that has given us the greatest...

CooperVision employees Fight for Sight
$262,000 donated to Optometry Giving Sight With artwork auctions, bake sales, jeans days, raffles, barbeques and walkathons, CooperVision and its employees hit a record-breaking high this year with their fundraising efforts for the 2018 World Sight Day Challenge....

World Sight Day Challenge 2017
Helping to Make Children’s Vision Count Optometry Giving Sight is once again inviting all those who value good vision to support its major fundraising campaign for the year, the World Sight Day Challenge. The Challenge will run throughout October – with World...

See to Succeed
Providing support to children impacted by Hurricane Harvey The See to Succeed Program (STS) is a safety-net vision program for Houston’s underserved children. The program provides comprehensive free eye exams and eyeglasses to those who have failed a school screening,...

Why Millions of Children Are Not Receiving Proper Eye Care
Kristan Gross, the Global Executive Director of the Vision Impact Institute Optometry Giving Sight is pleased to be a partner in the Kids See: Success program being initiated in collaboration with Vision Impact Institute and VSP Global. This article, authored by...

Special Olympics Opening Eyes Program
Over 6,800 individuals receive eye screening Optometry Giving Sight and Special Olympics together are continuing to have an impact on vision services for individuals with intellectual disabilities (ID) both through the training of vision care professionals and...

Confessions of an Expat
My other life… Dr. Bob Molter is currently living in Vietnam with his wife and lecturing at the School of Optometry at Pham Ngoc Thac University (PNTU) in Ho Chi Minh City as part of a program which is supported by Brien Holden Vision Institute, Optometry Giving...

Making Optometry Part of Haiti’s Future
Making Optometry part of Haiti’s future. (See download Proposal and Naming opportunities below) Optometry Giving Sight is part of a coalition of organizations including the Brien Holden Vision Institute and VOSH International who are seeking to contribute to the...