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The solution to ending preventable blindness and vision impairment due to uncorrected refractive error is more than eye exams and glasses—it’s the establishment of infrastructure and education in underserved communities to enable ongoing eye care for the years to come.

Your donation gives sight and changes lives—now and into the future.

Choose the button for the country in which you reside. If you are not located in the United States or Canada you can choose either button and your donation will be processed in your country’s currency. All donations are used for Optometry Giving Sight’s funding of projects around the world.

When you give to Optometry Giving Sight, you’re giving more than vision to someone in need.

  • You’re giving a child the opportunity to learn and grow alongside their peers
  • You’re giving a parent the capability to support their family
  • You’re giving an elder dignity and self-reliance
  • You’re giving generations of people the ability to reach their full potential
  • You’re giving whole communities improved quality of life

OGS supported 16 projects in 2024. Click here to see the list of all the projects supported.


One of the many impactful projects Optometry Giving Sight helped fund is the One School at a Time project to benefit school children from disadvantaged families in District eThekwini of the KZN province in South Africa.

The project aims to reach 25 schools within a year and provide eye screening and examination services to 20,000 children.

In addition, the project will educate teachers in each school on primary eye health, and train vision screeners and optometrists in primary eye health and vision screening for the pediatric population.

One School at a Time is implemented by our project partner Berkeley Cure.