Those who work in the optometry industry know first-hand the value of access to eye care and glasses.
There are many ways you can give the Gift of Sight to communities in need around the world.

Give Monthly
For as little as $1 per day, or $30 per month, you can make a powerful, ongoing commitment to help people in need of vision care!
Ongoing support through monthly donations allows Optometry Giving Sight to plan for the future, make long-term commitments to vision care projects, and maximize funds applied to projects. For many of our donors, it’s simply the quickest and most efficient way of showing their support.
Join us in Giving Sight Today with a recurring monthly gift. Click the donate button below and select monthly giving.

I Care & Share
Donate a set amount from the sale of every pair of glasses. Your commitment engages patients and helps fund sustainable eye care projects in underserved communities. We’ll provide posters, brochures, and other promotional materials to display in your practice.

World Sight Day Challenge
The World Sight Day Challenge is Optometry Giving Sight’s annual fall fundraising campaign. All members of the optical community are encouraged to take part in the challenge – raising awareness and funds for sustainable vision initiatives. Participate in the World Sight Day Challenge by making a donation, pledging to donate an amount for every frame sold or eye exam given in September and October, inviting your patients to donate, or holding fundraising events in the office. You can make a difference!

Future Giving
Leave a legacy that will provide and sustain eye care services to those in need for generations to come. A planned gift can offer you tax benefits without giving up assets now. Many options exist, allowing you to make a lasting impact in a way that works best for you and your family.