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Lois Schoenbrun to Retire as OGS Executive Director

Lois Schoenbrun to Retire as OGS Executive Director

Nationwide Search Underway for Successor July 19, 2024 – Optometry Giving Sight (OGS) has announced that Executive Director Lois Schoenbrun, CAE (Retired), FAAO, will retire from the organization in December 2024. Previously the Executive Director of the American...

Executive Director Position Search

Executive Director Position Search

OGS is highlighting an opportunity to join our team as the Executive Director. About Optometry Giving Sight: Optometry Giving Sight supports sustainable and scalable optometry-led programs that educate eye care providers locally and enables the establishment and...

TEAM OGS Now Available for Optometry Practices

TEAM OGS Now Available for Optometry Practices

Optometry Giving Sight (OGS) has launched a new program to provide optometry practices with ways to support OGS’s work on a year-round basis by integrating fundraising activities into their everyday business operations. The initiative is called TEAM OGS – Together...

Soutenir la croissance de l’optométrie au Vietnam

Soutenir la croissance de l’optométrie au Vietnam

Il y a 10 ans, seuls trois optométristes qualifiés pratiquaient au Vietnam. Toutefois, au cours des dernières années, des efforts pour élargir l’optométrie dans ce pays, financés par Optometry Giving Sight (OGS), ont permis à des centaines d’étudiants en optométrie d’obtenir leur diplôme.

Supporting the Growth of Optometry in Vietnam

Supporting the Growth of Optometry in Vietnam

Ten years ago, only three qualified optometrists were practicing in Vietnam. However, efforts to expand optometry in the country, supported by Optometry Giving Sight (OGS), have resulted in the graduation of hundreds of optometry students.

2023 Projects Supported

2023 Projects Supported

Optometry Giving Sight (OGS) awarded these 2023 grants totaling more than $930,000 to partner organizations in support of self-sustaining initiatives that address preventable vision impairment and blindness for people of all ages around the world. This life-changing work would not be possible without your support.

Le don de la vue pour les enfants de la Jamaïque

Dans le cadre du programme, les élèves des écoles participantes reçoivent un examen de la vue annuel et une paire de lunettes prescrites, au besoin. Ils peuvent également être aiguillés vers d’autres professionnels afin d’effectuer des tests supplémentaires et de recevoir un traitement, selon les besoins. Ils reçoivent des examens de la vue annuels pendant leurs six premières années d’école, et de nouvelles lunettes au besoin. Tout cela est offert gratuitement, grâce aux généreux donateurs d’Optometry Giving Sight comme vous qui appuient les programmes tels que See Better.Learn Better en Jamaïque.

Expanding eye care for women, children, and the LGBTQ+ community

Expanding eye care for women, children, and the LGBTQ+ community

Thanks to the support of OGS, In Her Vision is able to hire additional personnel, allowing them to expand to four clinics per month and serve up to 40 patients at each event. Through the funding, 3,200 people every year will benefit. The OGS funding also enabled the organization to hire a driver, expanding its reach beyond its current 20-mile radius to those living in surrounding counties.